Dive into real-world examples that highlight how our program has not only reduced workplace stress but also fostered environments where employees thrive.
The evidence is clear: investing in the mental well-being of your workforce is not just beneficial—it’s essential. Let the results speak for themselves and discover how Neuro580 can be the catalyst for positive change in your organization.
Discover the proof behind our mission to revolutionize mental health in the workplace, and see for yourself why Neuro580 is the solution organizations trust to enhance their most valuable asset: their people.
This graph shows the brain temperature of a person at work changing during a normal day depending on the stress level of the activity. Teachers/Students go through the same highs and lows. Neurohacks can help “spike down” high stress events as they occur.
Pre & Post Neurohack EEG Graph
This study shows that neurohacks reduce the Stress Brain Waves (Beta & Gamma) and increase the Calm/Focus Brain Waves (Alpha/Theta)
Table of all Neurohacks
Neurohack Results
Discover the proof behind our mission to revolutionize mental health in the workplace, and see for yourself why Neuro580 is the solution organizations trust to enhance their most valuable asset: their people.
An independent 3rd Party Study conducted by BlueberryX confirmed the positive impact Neurohacks have on Flow State. Flow State represents total change in absorption of 850nm wavelength pulsation based on a sensor being placed near the left temple. A larger percentage value translates to more blood ‘flow’ activity in a fixed period time, including heart rate, respiratory rate, and localized arterial pressure (Mayer Wave).
Peer Reviewed Articles and Data
This collection of peer-reviewed articles strongly supports providing during-workday breaks with powerful benefits of such breaks. Traditional breaks are time-activity centered; Neuro580 breaks are cognitive-centered that take seconds.
The impact of within-day work breaks on daily
recovery processes: An event-based
pre-/post-experience sampling study
Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology